Standing Rules
Revised September 2024
New Members and Reinstated Members Fees and Dues
There shall be an Initiation Fee of $10 that will be collected from new applicants in addition to the Annual Dues of $10. A new Initiation Fee and Annual Dues will be needed to reinstate a cancelled member.
AlfaSeeYas Chapter Sponsored Rallies and Gatherings
For AlfaSeeYa Chapter rallies and gatherings (solely OR jointly sponsored) held after October 2019, the AlfaSeeYas Chapter will assume the lead role which means the Wagon Master, and if required, Co-Wagon Master will be AlfaSeeYas Chapter members. In the case of a jointly sponsored rally in which the other organization requires that they be in the lead and/or requires the wagon master to be a member of their organization and the wagon master is not/cannot be an AlfaSeeYas Chapter member, the AlfaSeeYas Chapter will help the other organization by promoting the joint rally and encouraging our members to attend, but will not assume any physical or financial liability, or provide any financial assistance to the rally. Our Chapter members may attend, but the other organization is totally in charge and responsible.
AlfaSeeYas members attending AlfaSeeYas rallies and gatherings must be members in good standing of FMCA and the AlfaSeeYas Chapter.
AlfaSeeeYas Chapter rally Wagon Masters shall establish a rally fee that will cover all anticipated direct expenses necessary to execute the rally and operate within that budget. In the event there is a cost overrun, the Wagon Master will ask for the additional funds from the AlfaSeeYa Chapter Treasurer. Conversely, if there is a cost underrun, the Wagon Master shall turn any excess funds from the rally fee revenue to the AlfaSeeYa Chapter Treasurer.
At the recommendation of each AlfaSeeYas rally’s Wagon Master, and with the approval of the Chapter President, an AlfaSeeYas function may be opened to guests and non-members. Those guests and non-members shall be required to pay a fee of $20 per RV specifically designated on the registration form in addition to the rally fee and any other fees/direct costs all attendees shall pay, even if they are members of the club/chapter that is jointly sponsoring the rally. The revenue from that fee shall be separated from the funds controlled by the Wagon Master and put directly into the AlfaSeeYas Chapter Treasury. If the attendee is eligible to join the AlfaSeeYas Chapter (currently owns an Alfa Leisure, Inc. manufactured RV and is a current member of FMCA, or joins FMCA at the same time), and they opt to join the AlfaSeeYas Chapter during the rally, the Chapter Treasurer shall apply the non-member/guest fee to the new member’s first year’s dues and initiation fee (currently $20).
As an incentive to plan and execute a rally, AlfaSeeYas Chapter Wagon Masters (no more than one RV) AND, if required, AlfaSeeYas Chapter Co-Wagon Masters (no more than one RV):
- Shall be reimbursed by the Chapter Treasury for their site rent/fees for the nights stayed starting the night prior to the start of the rally through the last night of the rally,
- Their rally fee (exclusive of fees for special activities, meals, and events funded outside the rally fee) shall be waived,
- And, if this is their first rally as an AlfaSeeYas Chapter Wagon Master or Co-Wagon Master, they shall receive a Chapter jacket, black or blue, and size of their choice.
The costs to cover these incentives will not be included in the estimates to determine the rally fee, instead, they shall be covered by the Chapter Treasury.
At AlfaSeeYas Chapter rallies and gatherings, Chapter member participants must attend in their Alfa Leisure, Inc. manufactured RV. At AlfaSeeYas Chapter rallies and gatherings that non-members and guests are participating, non-members and guests must attend in a recreational vehicle (RV). For FMCA purposes the definition of a RV is: “a self-contained wheeled vehicle that includes permanently installed cooking, sleeping, and sanitary facilities”.
In the event of a cancellation, there is no waiting list, and the rally venue charges a cancellation fee, that fee shall be deducted from the refund, and, if the rally/gathering Wagon Master has incurred non-refundable costs, those costs will be prorated and shall also be deducted from the refund.
If not in conflict with the rules of the rally, members may sell goods and services during Chapter rallies and gatherings, but not during an FMCA Rally/Convention unless duly registered as a vendor with FMCA. Members offering such goods and services must first obtain rally site permission and shall be fully responsible and liable for settling any disputes arising from their sales. The AlfaSeeYas Chapter officers and/or Wagon Masters shall not be liable in this regard.
There shall be no posting of signs or verbiage of a derogatory nature in, on, or around a participant’s RV during an AlfaSeeYas rally or gathering. This policy applies to all AlfaSeeYas events, including AlfaSeeYas Rallies, Pre-Rallies and FMCA Events where AlfaSeeYas are gathered together in a group in a coordinated manner.
Nominating Committee and Officer Elections
During odd years an election shall be for the Nominating Committee, and during even years an election shall be for President, Vice President(s), Secretary, Treasurer, National Director and Alternate National Director. Any position vacancies may be elected during either year.
The nominating committee shall consist of no less than three and no more than five AlfaSeeYas Chapter members in good standing. The election of the Nominating Committee shall be for a two-year term and shall be held during a business meeting held in the odd years. The nominating committee shall select within themselves a chairperson.
No later than October 1stof each even year, the Nominating Committee shall seek nominees for each office who are members in good standing and shall obtain written agreements to serve from each nominee selected. Provided that there is more than one nominee for any office, balloting shall be conducted to conclude by December 31st of even years.
All votes shall be cast by email, or postmarked, no later than 45 calendar days from the date of the emailing/distribution/mailing of the ballot. All votes shall be identified with a signature (email “signatures” will be considered the email address of the responding member) and FMCA membership number. One vote per membership in good standing with Chapter and FMCA dues paid current.
Reimbursement for Attending FMCA National Governing Board Meetings
There shall be a reimbursement from Chapter funds payable to one of the following: the Chapter National Director, Alternate National Director, or Elected Designated Temporary Delegate certified to represent the Chapter by attending the National FMCA Governing Board meeting held annually. The reimbursement shall consist of:
- A maximum allowance of the cost of 300 gallons for fuel expenses for which receipt(s) shall be furnished. Receipts shall clearly indicate both date of purchase and geographical location of purchase.
- Unless the FMCA Governing Board votes to overturn the decision at the 2012 National Convention to eliminate the prior practice of reimbursing the chapter representatives for a portion of the registration fee, then the AlfaSeeYas Chapter shall reimburse the AlfaSeeYas Chapter representative for the basic registration fee and any extra fee for electricity.
- If the Chapter representative elects to travel by means other than a RV and stay in other accommodations, then the amount of reimbursement to the Chapter representative shall be no more than the amount equal to the cost of the fuel that would have been used by their RV per paragraph 1 above, plus no more than the amount equal to the RV registration fee per paragraph 2 above.
All receipts shall be presented to the Treasurer for approval within 30 days of being incurred and reimbursement will normally be made within 30 days thereafter.
EFFECTIVE: September 1, 2024