Chapter Officers
Nomination Form
The elected Chapter President is the leader of the chapter and presides at meetings of the chapter membership.
- A Chapter Officers Handbook is provided to each chapter.
- Chapter meetings should be conducted in an orderly manner and be in accordance with the FMCA Constitution, Bylaws, and Member Code of Ethics.
- The chapter president is responsible for seeing that all of the duties and responsibilities of all of the other chapter officers are performed in a timely manner in accordance with FMCA’s requirements.
- The chapter president receives all Governing Board mailings to help keep the chapter informed on national FMCA activities.
- The chapter president should see that all needed committees are duly elected or appointed.
Vice President
The Chapter Vice President assists the President and serves as presiding officer in the absence of the President at any duly called meeting. Upon a vacancy occurring in the office of President, or upon the President’s inability or refusal to preside, the Vice President performs all the duties of the President. When so acting, the Vice President exercises the authority and is subject to the same limitations as apply to the President.
The Chapter Vice President assists the President in his or her duties. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the President, the Vice President shall perform in accordance with FMCA Policies and Procedure, Chapter President’s Responsibilities.Secretary/Treasurer
The Chapter Secretary/Treasurer has the duty and responsibility to keep accurate and up-to-date records of the chapter’s membership, the results of any election or change in status of chapter officers, and annual chapter certification and report same to the National Office. The Chapter Secretary/Treasurer is also expected to keep a formal record -- usually called minutes -- of the proceedings of all meetings of the chapter’s membership. The Chapter Secretary/Treasurer receives, safeguards, and holds all chapter funds in the name of the chapter and is its trustee and fiscal agent.
- For certification purposes, no later than December 31st of each year, the Secretary/Treasurer for each chapter and associate chapter shall furnish to the National Office of FMCA a list of its membership, a list of incumbent chapter officers, and certify that the chapter held the required meeting in the chapter’s previous fiscal period. Additionally, the Secretary shall indicate whether the chapter will change its status:
- From chapter to associate chapter,
- From associate chapter to chapter, or
- Maintain its current status for the following year. A chapter that fails to maintain qualifying requirements relating to chapters shall revert to inactive chapter status, and the National Director or Alternate National Director elected by the chapter shall have no vote in the proceedings of the Governing Board. An associate chapter that fails to maintain qualifying requirements relating to chapters shall revert to inactive associate chapter status.
- Within thirty days of election, each Chapter Secretary/Treasurer shall furnish the National Office of FMCA a list of newly elected officers or change in status of chapter officers. This report shall include addresses and telephone numbers of each person so elected.
- Prior to each Governing Board meeting, the Chapter Secretary/Treasurer shall complete and return the Governing Board roll call sheet verifying the National Director, Alternate National Director, or Temporary Delegate for the chapter. (NOTE: Not applicable to associate chapters)
- The Chapter Secretary/Treasurer may complete the Rally Calendar submission form if the chapter wants its rallies listed in the FMCA Events section of the appropriate issue of Family RVing magazine.
- The Chapter Secretary/Treasurer is expected to keep a formal record -- usually called minutes -- of the proceedings of all meetings of the chapter's membership. This record shall be read and approved at the next meeting, unless said reading is waived by majority vote. The formal record of all meetings is to be kept available in the event a member of the chapter desires to read them.
- The Chapter Secretary/Treasurer keeps accurate accounts of all chapter funds and renders reports on same at each business meeting of the chapter’s membership.
- The Chapter Secretary/Treasurer disburses chapter funds only for authorized chapter purposes, and only in accordance with the chapter bylaws and/or standing rules.
- The Chapter Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for obtaining and maintaining the chapter EIN (Employer Identification Number).
- The Chapter Secretary/Treasurer is responsible for filing an electronic IRS form 990-N e-Postcard, which is required for all chapters with gross receipts under $50,000. Chapters/Areas with more than $50,000 in gross receipts should consult their tax advisor regarding their filing obligation.
- The Chapter Secretary/Treasurer should assure that an annual audit of the chapter’s financial books and records shall be undertaken and reported to the membership.
National Director/Alternate National Director
The national director elected from each chapter serves on the Governing Board of FMCA. (NOTE: Not applicable to associate chapters)
- Each chapter shall elect a member as national director to serve on the Governing Board of FMCA, and elect a member as alternate national director to serve on the Governing Board if the national director is unable or unwilling to serve.
- The term of office of a newly elected national director or alternate national director begins after the national office receives written notice of said election and has verified that the person is qualified. The term extends for a one- or two-year period, or until his or her successor is duly elected and qualified.
- If a vacancy occurs in the office of national director, the alternate national director shall immediately assume this office, and this shall be promptly reported in writing to the national office. If the incumbent alternate national director is unable to fill this vacancy, the chapter is to promptly elect (not appoint) a member to fill the vacancy in the office of national director and notify the national office.
- If the national director cannot attend the Governing Board meeting, the alternate national director may serve in his/her place. In the event that neither the national director nor the alternate national director can attend, a member of that chapter may be elected as a temporary delegate to represent the chapter for the next Governing Board meeting only. If an event occurs after the 21-day notice requirement has passed that prevents the national director, alternate national director, or temporary delegate from attending the Governing Board meeting, the chapter president may appoint a member of the chapter as a temporary delegate to represent the chapter for the next Governing Board meeting only. Notice of the chapter president’s appointment of a temporary delegate shall be received by FMCA at least seven (7) working days prior to the Governing Board meeting to be valid. Notice must be in writing (fax or e-mail acceptable).
- A chapter voting member of the Governing Board is entitled to represent only one chapter.
- National directors should keep their chapters informed of items pertaining to the national organization and of the FMCA areas, as well as keeping the national organization apprised of items happening on the chapter level. Another important duty is participation in and voting during Governing Board meetings.
- Members of the same family unit may serve as national director or alternate national director in different chapters; such members may not hold these offices in the same chapter concurrently. Chapter Alternate National Director
An alternate national director shall serve whenever the national director is unable to attend meetings of the Governing Board or is otherwise unable to serve. Another chapter officer is not precluded from election as the alternate national director. Alternate national director cannot also be the national director.