Rally Information with COVID-19 Restrictions
As a Chapter of FMCA, we are required to adhere to their policies and guidelines. As information is passed on to our Chapter, we will make sure to post these policies and guidelines here.
As more and more chapters get back into rally planning, we wanted to remind you of a few things and pass along some new guidelines. If your rally masters are not chapter officers, please pass along this information to them.
New Information: It is now required for every person attending an FMCA event to read and sign the COVID-19 Waiver & Release of Liability Form. This will be true for all chapter rallies, area rallies, and national conventions. If someone attending your rally does not sign the waiver, they are not permitted to attend the event. At the conclusion of your rally, please send the signed waiver forms to the attention of the Chapter Services Department at the National Office. (A copy of the waiver form for you to use can also be found on FMCA's website at https://www.fmca.com/fmca-events)
If you know that you are going to have three (3) chapter rallies and you know the dates and places of these rallies, you can have one piece of paper that lists each of the events and use one form as opposed to having separate forms for each rally. This decision will be left up to each individual chapter.
A few reminders:
If your chapter is asked by the facility hosting your rally to sign a contract, before signing it, please send a copy of the contract to chapters@fmca.com to be reviewed by FMCA's attorney at least 60 days prior to the rally. We will not issue a certificate of insurance until the contract is reviewed. This process is in place to protect you, your chapter, and FMCA should there be any incidents during your rally.
If you are not required to sign a contract, but need a certificate of insurance, please request this a minimum of 30 days in advance. You can do this by reaching out to the Chapter Services Department at chapters@fmca.com or 800-543-3622 with the location and dates of the rally.
If you would like your chapter's rally posted on FMCA's website and magazine, please submit your rallies through the form on our website using this link: CHAPTER RALLY SUBMISSION
As always, please send us pictures and stories from your rallies! We love to hear about all the fun your chapter has and the memories you are making together. You may even get featured in an issue of FMCA's magazine, Family RVing!
If you have any questions, please let us know by reaching out to chapters@fmca.com or 800-543-3622 and we will be happy to help. We wish you all happy and safe rallies!
This page updated: 01/01/2024